Infor­ma­ti­on and dis­clo­sure pur­su­ant to §5 (1) ECG, § 25 Medi­enG, § 63 GewO and § 14 UGB

Web­site ope­ra­tor: Unter­lech­ner Hotel­be­trie­be GmbH
Com­pa­ny regis­ter num­ber: 265996 x
Com­pa­ny regis­ter court: Inns­bruck Regio­nal Court

Address: Dorf­stra­ße 50, 6352 Ell­mau

UID no.: ATU62101139
Trade super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty:
Mem­ber­ships: WKÖ

Cont­act details:
Pho­ne: +43 5358 4168

Appli­ca­ble legis­la­ti­on:

Online dis­pu­te reso­lu­ti­on: Con­su­mers who are estab­lished in Aus­tria or in ano­ther con­trac­ting sta­te to the ODR Regu­la­ti­on have the opti­on of resol­ving pro­blems rela­ting to the purcha­se of goods or ser­vices against pay­ment by means of online dis­pu­te reso­lu­ti­on (in accordance with the ODR, AStG). The Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on pro­vi­des a plat­form for this pur­po­se:

Copy­right: The con­tents of this web­site are, as far as legal­ly pos­si­ble, sub­ject to various intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty rights (e.g. copy­right). Any use/distribution of mate­ri­al pro­vi­ded that is pro­hi­bi­ted under copy­right law requi­res the writ­ten con­sent of the web­site ope­ra­tor.

Dis­clai­mer: Despi­te careful con­trol of the con­tent, the web­site ope­ra­tor of this web­site accepts no lia­bi­li­ty for the con­tent of exter­nal links. The ope­ra­tors of the lin­ked pages are sole­ly respon­si­ble for their con­tent. Should you nevert­hel­ess beco­me awa­re of out­go­ing links that refer to a web­site with ille­gal activity/information, we request that you noti­fy us accor­din­gly in order to pre­vent this in accordance with § 17 para. 2 ECG imme­dia­te­ly.
The copy­rights of third par­ties are obser­ved by the ope­ra­tor of this web­site with the utmost care. Should you nevert­hel­ess beco­me awa­re of a copy­right inf­rin­ge­ment, plea­se inform us accor­din­gly. If we beco­me awa­re of such inf­rin­ge­ments, we will remo­ve the con­tent con­cer­ned imme­dia­te­ly.

© 2024 Copy­right Gast­haus Lobe­wein